Archive for March 26th, 2006

Mar 26 2006

Profile Image of pallotron

C’e’ proprio gente strana nell’internet

Filed under niente a senso

Mah! Ditemi voi se tutto cio’ e’ normale!

(19:35:27) Angel: verarschen kann ich mich selber!
(19:35:35) Angel: shit happens
(19:35:38) pallotron: ENGLISH
(19:35:42) pallotron: PORCODDIO
(19:35:53) Angel: ??
(19:36:28) Angel: i love you
(19:36:31) pallotron: SUCA
(19:36:32) pallotron: COGLIONE
(19:37:01) pallotron: E ANVEDI DI ANNA A FANCULO
(19:37:19) Angel: fuck you
(19:37:24) pallotron: FUCK YOU TOO
(19:37:34) Angel: no
(19:37:36) pallotron: bye
(19:38:00) pallotron: i’m removing you from my contact listfuck you
(19:37:24) pallotron: FUCK YOU TOO
(19:37:34) Angel: no
(19:37:36) pallotron: bye
(19:38:00) pallotron: i’m removing you from my contact list
(19:38:11) Angel: yes, do this
(19:38:31) Angel: its a good english lesson, to write with you

MA vattene a fanculo IMBECILLE.

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